Frequently asked industrial painting questions answered
When you begin to consider redecorating your commercial workplace, it can feel like a minefield. Contradicting articles litter the internet, promoting products and services that are ill-defined and poorly explained. In this blog, we look at and answer the most common questions that come up within industrial and commercial decorating
The Challenges of Commercial Painting
Commercial painting is a tough industry to occupate, but a rewarding one at that. There are a variety of challenges – some obvious, and some less so – that complicate the projects of a commercial painting firm, but nothing great ever comes easy, right? Since we are industry experts here
Busting Common Epoxy Flooring Myths
Epoxy is essentially a material, usually adhesive or plastic, composed of synthetic resins and hardeners that combine to form a rigid material. Because of its composition, epoxy is designed to bond well with other materials, acquiring a plethora of characteristics that promote resilience, durability, and a sleek appearance. Installing epoxy
The Custard factory Birmingham
We are incredibly proud to deliver on time and are committed to maintaining the highest possible standards, providing cost-effective solutions that never compromise quality. Our unwavering dedication to excellence has earned us a reputation of reliability and professionalism. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we go above and beyond to
Top 10 Benefits of Shot Blasting for Superior Surface Preparation
We here at Shirley Industrial Painters understand the importance of impeccable surface preparation and are increasingly turning to shot blasting for its myriad advantages in achieving the best surface conditions. In this blog we look into the top 10 benefits that make shot blasting a game-changer for superior surface preparation.
What are Protective Coatings?
Protective coatings are used on, effectively, everything. Often more to protect than to decorate, these applications cover a range of things – from paint protecting a wall to zinc protecting steel and beyond. By definition, a ‘protective coating’ is a layer of material applied to a surface to prevent corrosion,
What Is Commercial Painting and Decorating: Steps To Take To Boost Your Business Appeal
You may have been taught to never ‘judge a book by its cover’, but in a world of heavy competition, an impactful first impression is more important than ever. Understanding exactly what is your commercial painting strategy will help you boost your company’s professional image. What is commercial painting?